Nebraska Independent Film Projects (NIFP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that acts as an educational and fiscal support group for Nebraska filmmakers. Created in 1991, NIFP provides educational opportunities to Nebraska filmmakers by hosting events that address subjects from screenwriting to entertainment law. NIFP can also act as a nonprofit umbrella for filmmakers seeking funding with organizations that require nonprofit status, as well as private individuals who wish to make a donation towards a specific project.
Mission Statements
To bring diversity to film, television and web audiences through the support of Nebraska’s independent filmmakers and media artists.
Fiscal Sponsorship
NIFP accepts member proposals for fiscal sponsorship. Fiscal sponsorship allows members to benefit from NIFP’s 501(c)3 nonprofit status when seeking grants from other arts and humanities organizations. Sponsorship is subject to approval by a screening committee and the NIFP Board of Directors.
Educational Opportunities
NIFP hosts events designed to offer education and incite into the processes of filmmaking and the film industry. Event details are posted here and on the “NIFP Dotorg” Facebook page as they are scheduled.
Social & Exhibition Opportunities
NIFP can assist its members in arranging and publicizing screenings of completed works and works in progress. NIFP can host small events designed to give feedback to filmmakers. For large events, NIFP can promote the event to our members and the public through our website, social media and traditional media via press releases.
NIFP was started in 1990 by independent producers and other artists in Nebraska who wanted to share experiences and advocate for local film productions. The organization was formed to offer educational and social opportunities for local artists and to act as a sponsor for qualified projects when applying for grants from other community and arts organization.